As for the recent and extraordinary increases in the cost of energy now at unsustainable levels, due to the international crisis and the relative markets turbulences, TGR Campania interviewed Carlo De Iuliis, Cartesar spa paper mill Plant Manager and Assocarta Vice President. “Our energy bill went from € 200,000 in July 2020 to € 3,000,000 in 2022” (link: supply-chain-of-paper-50b81cc1-1a75-4010-b14f-1b75dc843f96.html? nxtep)
The paper supply chain is in fact among the realities that suffer the most from the gas and electricity increase of these months as it is made up of highly energy-intensive industries. Hoping that national or European measures will be able to put a limit to this unsustainable situation, Arti Grafiche Turini will continue to do its best to support its customers and business partners in this challenging period, thanking everyone for their precious collaboration.